About Alwar Pharmacy College


About Alwar Pharmacy College

Alwar Pharmacy College is established in the year 2004 by All India Society for Advance Education & Research, Alwar. The society has already established the first private engineering college of Rajasthan and extended the educational services from 1998 under the aegis of the visionary, philanthropist Dr. Vishnu Kumar Agarwal and the support of his life partner, an exemplary human being and motherhood of the institution Dr. Manju Agarwal. Both were practicing physicians turned patrons of quality education at Alwar, a simple border district of Rajasthan, which is now being incorporated in Delhi NCR.

There are many leaders developed the Institution like Dr. Firoz Anwar and Dr. Md Ashraf Ali, who involved in the approval of the Institution by AICTE and in Research Front.

Later from Dr. G. Jeyabalan has taken the charge as Principal and has materialized the approval by Pharmacy Council of India by improving the educational and practical standards of the Institution. In the year 2008 the first approval for the B.Pharmacy course u/s 12 of Pharmacy Act, 1948 has been issued. Then in the year 2009, the M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) course was started with the approval by AICTE. Then in the year 2011 a Triple Achievement has been scored on the board, that the B.Pharmacy with 100 seats, and M.Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology were approved by AICTE and PCI, and to add another feather on the crown, Alwar Pharmacy College has been approved by Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur as a Research Institute to conduct Ph.D., course in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

To cater the educational needs of the downtrodden people at affordable cost and to impart quality Pharmacy Education to poor people D.Pharmacy course has been started in the year 2017 and is also approved by Pharmacy Council of India u/s 12 of Pharmacy Act, 1948 for the registration of qualified students as Registered Pharmacists with State Pharmacy Councils.

Apart from making qualified and registered Pharmacists, Alwar Pharmacy College has performed as an incubation center for making quality teachers and administrators of various Government and Private Universities and Institutions of Alwar, Rajasthan and other states of the country by providing good academic and research facilities. Alwar Pharmacy College has achieved, by making Drug Control Officers, Entrepreneurs, Clinical Pharmacologists, Pharmacists, Industrial Production Pharmacists, Industrial Quality Control Pharmacists, Regulatory officials, Academicians and students of Institutions of repute like NIPER for their higher studies with high academic, research performance indices.

Our Vision

  • To provide state-of-art infrastructure with modern laboratory facilities
  • To develop innovative pharmacy education modules and training programs.
  • To create a learner centered educational system to bring out inherent talents.
  • To acquire the best suitable ambiance for understanding the ethics in practice during education.
  • To device the best curriculum to understand the career objectives and etiquettes.
  • To improve the intellectual capacity and desire for the ethical practice of Pharmacy.
  • To maintain high quality teaching-learning process to become leaders in education.
  • To create an environment that fosters the development of externally funded research projects.
  • To organize frequent public health education and awareness programs in response to the societal needs.

Our Mission

To impart exemplary Pharmacy Education to student pharmacists by inculcating the passion to learn the core of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology and creating prudent citizens to serve to the community by the knowledge, skill and attitude in different domains like Community Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy, Regulatory affairs, Management, Academia, Research and Development and to augment the Health Index of the country by adoring and honest service.

Quality Policy

Quality education is our motto and we are committed to quality excellence in our technical profession.